University of Harvard: Free Online Courses To Register

Hey there, I'm certain you're aware that Harvard University is one of the best schools there is in the world. This esteemed learning institution is giving all an amazing opportunity to boost their resume. Anyone should be excited about this because with the Harvard University Free Online Courses 2021 your resume just got a lot fancier. 

What Are The Available Courses Offered? 

Interestingly, Harvard University offers a total of 64 courses. Every single course offered cuts across the essential of human living and every single one of them can help you get employed in any labour market. Hence, I will list the courses offered. Once you make a choice, be sure to apply as soon as possible. This is an opportunity you might not get always. The departments covered are as follows; Humanity, Arts, Law, Computer Science, Data Science, Social Science, Business, Mathematics, Education, Health and Medicine, Arts & Design and Teaching. Listed below are the list of courses available for free online learning. 

Hinduism true its scriptures 
Cs50: introduction to computer science 
Cs50 introduction to game development 
Cs50 web app development with react native 
Cs50 web programming with python and JavaScript 
Nonprofits financial stewardship webinar: introduction to accounting and financial statements. 
Lesson from Ebola: preventing the next pandemic. 
Christianity through its scriptures 
Cs50 for lawyers 
China and communism 
Contemporary China: the people's Republic Taiwan and Hong Kong 
Sikhism through its scriptures. 
Pyramids of Giza: ancient Egyptian art and archaeology. 
Child protection: children rights in theory and practice. 
Malaria x colon defeating malaria from the genes to the globe. 
The FDA and prescription drugs: current controversies in context. 
Science and cooking: from Haute Cuisine to soft matter science (Chemistry). 
Fundamentals of neuroscience part 1: the electrical properties of the neuron. 
Fundamentals of neuroscience part 2: neurons and networks. 
Improving global health: focusing on quality and safety. 
Introduction to data-wise: a collaborative process to improve learning and teaching. 
Backyard meteorology: the science of weather. 
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice: Shylock. 
Handel's Messiah and baroque oratorio. 
Shakespeare's Othello: the moor. 
Beethoven 9th symphony and the 19th-century orchestra. 
Monteverdi's l'orfeo and the birth of opera. 
Stravinsky's rite of Spring cologne modernism ballet and riots. 
The health effects of climate change. 
Using python for research. 
Data science: linear regression. 
The energy within environmental constraints. 
Principles, statistical and computational tools for reproducible science. 
Data science: R basics. 
Data science: productivity tools. 
Data science: wrangling 
Data science: inference and modelling. 
Data science: probability. 
Data science: capstone 
Data science: visualization. 
Data science: machine learning
 Quantitative methods for biology. 
Fat chance: probability from the ground up. 
Prediction X: omens, oracle's & prophecies. 
Strengthening community health worker programs. 
Introduction to linear models and matrix algebra. 
Introduction to probability ( edx) 
High-dimensional data analysis. 
Statistics and R.
Mechanical ventilation for covid 19 
Principles of biochemistry 
Cs50 introduction to artificial intelligence with python. 
The Japanese books: from manuscript to print. 
Shakespeare's life and work. 
Shakespeare's Hamlet: the ghost. 
Shakespeare's Othello: the moor 
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice: Shylock 
Contract law: from trust to promise to contract. 
Entrepreneurship in emerging economies. 
The architectural imagination. 
Tangible things. 
Rhetoric: the art of persuasive writing and public speaking. 
Sikhism through its scriptures. 
PredictionX: Lost Without Longitude

How to apply for Harvard University free online courses 2021

 If you wish to apply for this go to the official Harvard University website select the course you want and get started. Please note that you would get a certificate shin by the end of the chosen course by Harvard University. The duration of the courses differs depending on which you want to choose. Here's wishing you the best of luck as you apply. Be kind to share this post with friends and loved ones so they are not left behind.