Dubai Residency - How To Get Dubai Residence Visa

As the number of applicants to different parts of the world is increasing, UAE/Dubai is also recording an increase in the number of applicants and request for residency. In a case where you're giving sponsorship by your employer, you can obtain a residence in Dubai. This residence visa is required to be renewed every three years. With this, you can open a bank account buy real estate and lots more.

Am I Eligible To Apply For UAE/Dubai Residence Visa?

Obtaining a residency permit in the UAE as a foreigner comes with some criteria. The nationality of an applicant determines the conditions that apply for the application. The following conditions should be met when applying for a Dubai resident permit.

  • Applicants from countries who are not part of the non-gulf cooperation council must apply on arrival in Dubai for a residence permit.
  • Employers can apply for a visa on behalf of a foreign citizen to get a residency visa through jobs. 
  • A Residency visa is required when you need to set up a Dubai bank account or buying a car.
  • The validity of your passport must be at least 6 months when applying for Dubai residency.

Getting A Residence Through Employment.

It's common for foreign citizens to apply for residency once they start to work for a business in Dubai.

In a case where the employer submitted a foreign citizens entrance visa application, recruitment permission and the business license request should be sought by the employer.

In a case where if a foreign Dubai citizen wants to support his family members for a Dubai resident visa if the employee of the sponsor gives accommodation or pays over 4000 AED monthly my sponsor must have a monthly income exceeding 3000 AED if the sponsor owns a house.

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Getting a Dubai residency by company registration.

Registering a company or organization in the Emirates allows you to live in Dubai. Foreigners are allowed to remain shareholders in local businesses and recruit workers in Dubai with the Irish residency visa.

The requirement for residency applicants.

  • A request form

  • Copies of your valid passport

  • Driver's license

  • Birth certificate

  • Marriage certificate (if married)

  • Training and educational qualification copies.

The candidates must undergo a medical examination before entering the job. For every extension of the residency permits, a medical test is required.

The Process To Get The UAE/Dubai Residence Visa.

The following process is required for obtaining the visa as the company owner.

  • Corporation registration.

  • Passport (the immigration card for the company which allows you to apply for a visa).

  • Entry authorization (a resident visa prerequisite that should be done at the initial stage).

  • Emirates identification and medical tests.
  • Passport stamp with Visa.

For medical check, Emirates identity implication and visa deflation your presence will be required. passports are stamped at the immigration office. Before this process is done you cannot leave the UAE.